Wow. The "beginning" turns out to be a lot farther into my past than where I originally thought I was going to start this post. As I sat here getting my thoughts together, I realized that my sexuality really began way early in my life. Now that I think about it, I was a child that most parents probably do NOT want them to be.
As early as Kindergarten, my cousin and I would play doctor and investigate our differences. It was just childhood curiosity and we never did anything pleasurable, but my curiosity certainly grew from then on. I began to develop during my 5th grade year. I was thrilled with the idea of having breasts and hair and being a "grown-up". I began to look at myself in my floor length mirror and explore myself. I soon figured out what all was supposed to go on "down there" when I found my dad's magazines one weekend. Hmmmmmmmm. Even though I didn't have a clue what they were talking about, the pictures turned me on in ways I couldn't even begin to understand. What in the world is all that tingling going on down there? And why when I rub it does it get worse instead of better? Hey, that's just what that woman is doing and it FEELS GOOD! It didn't take long to figure out how to make the tingle go away. Once I had that down, you just about couldn't get me out of my bedroom! (And my poor mom thought I was just studying a lot. HA!)
I started letting boyfriends touch me in 7th grade. (That makes me blush now. Good grief!) In fact, I planned to lose my virginity that year. I wanted to do it before I started my period so I wouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant. The opportunity presented itself....but it didn't quite work out to be private enough for the plan to be carried out. I'm really glad too. I'm sure it would have been awful and I may have been turned off to sex forever. Yeah, whatever.
Becoming a Freshman with really nice breasts in a small-town school meant getting a lot of attention. I was more than flattered with the number of guys that flirted with me. Especially the older ones. I discovered that I was a natural flirt. I loved to flirt with them all. I couldn't get enough of it. I found that my flirting could be turned up a notch by innocently rubbing my breasts or ass against a guy while we were talking. The first time I felt a guy get hard while standing behind me made me so horny that I spent the last part of lunch hour in the bathroom trying to rid myself of that dreaded tingling. Shhhheeeeeeiiiiiitttttt! Doing it somewhere public and new actually made it worse.
That was my first hint that I was a closet exhibitionist. The thought of even a chance of getting caught just made me even hornier. The fantasies from that grew exponentially. My mind would constantly stray to which guy I would love to catch me in the act and where he would catch me....and of course what he would do to me once I was found. Once, my basketball coach actually walked in on me in my locker room. I was able to avoid him actually knowing what I was doing, but after it was over, it turned me on like crazy. What if he really did know what I was doing and was just pretending not to know? What if he is thinking about it right now? I wonder how big his cock is. Would he actually think about fucking me? Gawd I hope so! OMG! I couldn't even believe that I was thinking such things! I was really shocked when I came harder than I had ever came before. Dayum! Sign me up for some more of that!
My Sophomore year, I began dating Jeff. He was such a great guy and we had a lot in common. We were both in band and we were both horny as hell. Hey, who says that isn't a recipe for true love? Psht! What do you know anyway? I wasn't actually allowed to go out on a real date until I was 16, so we just chilled at each other's houses and watched movies or he would bring me home from school functions. We took what time we could get together and enjoyed ourselves as much as possible. I had never done such heavy petting before. It was making me absolutely crazy!
When it was almost my 16th birthday, I figured out exactly what I wanted him to give me. I wanted him to give me that cock that I was dreaming about. When he took me out that night, he had no idea that I had made that choice. Up until then I had always said no, even though my pussy was screaming yes. I came prepared for the present. I stole a condom from my dad's drawer and when we were parking I gave it to him. He just about came right there. The first time I was scared to death, even though I wanted it so badly. I was terrified of getting pregnant. I didn't want anything to do with that, I just wanted the fun. Since I was so scared, I didn't enjoy it very much at the time, but I lost count of how many times I made myself cum that night thinking about the fact that I finally fucked a real cock.
From then on, it was pretty much a done deal what was gonna happen on our dates. I quit being so scared and actually started to enjoy it. I learned to love sucking his cock and he loved eating my pussy. We fucked like rabbits any chance we could get. It wasn't long until we fell head over heals in love with each other. least we thought we were. We ended up breaking up for about 2 weeks, though it seemed like forever to me. When we got back together, we were a little different. We realized what we missed about each other and I think we appreciated each other more. We were certainly not any less horny! That didn't change at all. We continued dating through my Junior year, and then we realized that we really did love each other. We looked at rings and talked about getting married. I even asked my mom if she would allow us to get married before my Senior year. She gave me an emphatic "NO" and told me not to give up being a kid yet. Well, I had my own plans. :-P
At that point, Jeff and I stopped using protection. I wasn't exactly trying to get pregnant, but I figured it was fine if I did because we wanted to get married anyway. We celebrated Jeff's spring birthday like any other date....we had a lot of sex. We were downstairs in his basement fucking in front of the TV. He had me bent over the couch on my knees and was fucking me from behind and when he was ready to cum I grabbed his cock between my legs and said, "I wanna feel you cum inside me." He just about shot my head off he came so hard. I don't know why I said it or why I all of the sudden wanted to feel it, but the result was us getting permission to be married before my Senior year. I was most certainly pregnant. We got married that July.
After we got married we were so happy. Yeah, things were tough, but we had each other and our families were very supportive. We loved being able to fuck whenever and wherever we wanted to. And so what if anyone caught us, we were married and no one could say a thing to us. It felt so good not to be doing something "wrong" that I had to feel guilty about. Everything pretty much revolved around sex. Here's an example of our typical day:
alarm goes off
get into shower
(sometimes he joins me...more sex)
go to school
(sometimes come home for lunch to have sex)
come home
he goes to work
(sometime go see him on lunch hour to have sex)
comes home
See???? It was fanfuckingtastic! What more could a young horny couple ask for. I'll never forget the day that I was in a class and a guy that had always liked me turned around and said, "It must really suck to be married and not able to have sex because you're pregnant."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you can't be that pregnant and still have sex."
"Yes you can."
"What? Are you serious? When's the last time you had sex?"
giggle "Before I came to school today. Why do you think I'm always in such a good mood here at first hour?"
OMG! He just about fell outta his seat. He couldn't look at me for days without getting a hard-on. He even moved to a different chair so he wouldn't be so close to me because it was causing him so much PAIN. I thought it was the funniest thing I had ever seen. It became our running joke that when someone would ask me why I was in such a good mood that I'd laugh and say, "Ask Will." When they'd ask him, he'd get a hard-on and then I'd ask him to go sharpen my pencil. Of course he would say no, then they would think he was horrible for saying no to the big-ol pregnant girl. It was absolutely hilarious the day the teacher overheard him tell me no and she made him get up and walk across the room to sharpen my pencil. His dick was poking straight out in his sweats and it was impossible for him to hide it. I thought I was gonna die laughing. No one else acted like they caught on at all, but he was soooooooo pissed at me. What he didn't know was that while I was laughing my pussy was tingling like crazy because if how big his hard-on was. Damn, if I would have known that, I probably would have gone out with least once.
My next post will start to get down to the serious business. You know, the juicy stuff that we began doing with others. I promise to get into more details so that it will be well worth your time and reading pleasure.
100パー当たる 占い 男性限定 埼玉 無料占いタロット 恋愛 終わり あの人の本音 無料
8 years ago